Home & Garden

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I keep drilling screws in wood and keeps slipping, why?

Please, do not be mean or rude. I am learning about all this stuff. Advice would be great, please!

Hi, I am drilling screws in thick wood in order to make a little outdoor house. However, every time I drill in the screws past a certain point in the wood, it keeps slipping and strips the screw. I mean I am a pretty strong guy and I am sure I am holding it pretty tight. Not even my buddies can do it.....

Is there a special type of drill I need? or maybe I just need a new screw? I tried different screws, and they all strip. I mean it screws into the wall pretty easy at first, but after it just wont stick to the screw and starts stripping.
Drill pilot holes first, using a drill smaller in diameter than the screw.

That should do it.
Well even brock lesnar can

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